Angel Funding In Dubai UAE Saudi Arabia Qatar Egypt Kuwait

A structured and systematic
process that delivers
results for both
entrepreneurs and investors

Our Process

We are looking to connect with dynamic, motivated, fully committed start-up companies who share our values and require a combination of mentorship and capital to fund the next stage of their business development.

We like to be involved at an appropriate level with the businesses that we invest in so that we can effectively share the knowledge, experience and network connections that exist at MENA Angel Investor. This helps to maximize the potential of each company for the mutual benefit of the entrepreneur and MENA Angel Investor .

Before you apply for funding from MENA Angel Investor please ensure you meet our investment criteria. You must be able to answer yes to each point for your business to be considered in the screening process.

Our screening process is as follows:

Technology focused Angel investor Middle East
Technology focused Angel investor Middle East
Technology focused Angel investor Middle East

COMMIT to the MENA Angel Investor process and let us work together with INTEGRITY to add VALUE and increase the QUALITY of your business with an INNOVATIVE and DIVERSE approach. We aspire to achieve all our goals through an agreement that is FAIR and EQUITABLE to all parties.

There's always an opportunity for creative founders
to re-think how the world should and can work better.
If you are one of them, let's talk!

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